Science Fiction Short Stories

Here are a few sci-fi stories I wrote recently (2024). Stay tuned for more like these.

Source Code

Brain-Computer Interface

The Bodhisattva in the Corn

The next three short stories below are part of a larger collection of related sci-fi stories that all take place over several centuries in the same fictional universe, mostly on or about Mars and a post-apocalyptic Earth.

Fireside Moon

Oh Melody

The Bee Designer

Personal Essays

I post most of my essays in my blog (i.e., the home page of this website). However, the personal essays below are narratives that are longer and less conceptual (as in, they’re true stories, not just musings), so they fit better here.

Hot Sun and Black-winged Angels – 2008 – It’s an oldie but still it still inspires me.

My Bucolic Frolic: a Country Kid Goes Home – 2008

The Last Chili Pequin – 2013

Other Nonfiction

Metafocus – This was my biweekly column at Learning Solutions Magazine for three years. I wrote 53 articles about VR, AI, and serious games, all within an eLearning context.

Recompose – Since 2008, I’ve blogged long-form personal essays and stories about sustainability, technology, philosophy, spirituality, longevity, entrepreneurship, and much, much more. This is the link to my original blog, which contains the many posts I wrote prior to 2018 when I created the website and blog you are currently on.

9 Billion Schools – This is a book to which I contributed. Jennifer Gallegos and I wrote the chapter titled “Artificial Intelligence and the Infinite Classroom of Tomorrow”.